Green Technology Consultant Attorney in Louisville, Kentucky

The current administration in Washington, D.C. is leading the battle for green technology, also known as green tech. A big part of the push is to develop energy sources that are fossil-free and rely on wind and solar power. Another aspect is to help consumers switch to electric vehicles (EVs) that will help reduce the carbon dioxide being released into the environment that increases the ozone layer, which has been linked to deleterious climate change. 

To further the effort in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the government in 2021 created a “Solar Siting Potential in Kentucky” website that helps both government and private industry identify land suitable for solar projects, focusing on underutilized lands such as brownfields and abandoned mines. 

Green tech is now often part of a company’s mission statement on environmental, sustainability, and governance (ESG) statement. Many investment groups are now focused on only supporting businesses that have an ESG focus and are looking to help push the green revolution. 

If you or the group you’re associated with are looking to further the green revolution in or around Louisville, Kentucky, contact me at Chris Sanders Law PLLC. I am an advocate, organizer, nonprofit and activist group supporter, and an attorney who will help you in the pursuit of your goals. I devote my practice to helping others create change in their workplaces and their communities, and I am 100 percent behind the green tech movement. Let me work with you for change.

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What Is Green Technology?

Green technology is the use of natural environmental resources to provide energy for the nation and its people. The primary sources for green tech are solar energy and wind power. In the first year of the Biden administration, the Infrastructure and Jobs Act allocated $1.2 trillion toward clean energy transmission and an electrical vehicle (EV) infrastructure, with the goal of creating a resilient, clean electric grid. 

This was followed the next year by the Inflation Reduction Act, which allocated more billions to subsidizing electric vehicles and solar power. Both acts are still in play and working toward a cleaner energy future for all Americans. 

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), nearly a third of greenhouse gas emissions are released by transportation vehicles, thus the government’s push for EVs. EVs, of course, also require the development of charging stations and other facilities that are still on the drawing boards in many locations. That’s where the Infrastructure and Jobs Act comes into focus. 

Solar panels for homes are also being pushed as they too can contribute to ending the reliance on fossil fuels, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. On a nationwide basis, geothermal and tidal energy projects are also being pushed to reduce the reliance on coal, natural gas, and fossil fuels. 

Carbon capture and clean energy production is another technology that aims to reduce the impact of fossil fuel use. The United States pretty much leads the world in this category, producing the cleanest carbon fuels of any nation, but there is still a long way to go. The largest carbon capture facility can absorb about 4,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year, which is minuscule compared to annual emissions. 

Sustainable agriculture is another push toward a cleaner environment. Organic farming techniques can reduce soil exhaustion, and alternatives to pesticides and fertilizers can further advance environmental protection. 

Economic Energy Development in Kentucky

In Kentucky, the “Solar Siting Potential in Kentucky” platform is aimed at helping convert unused land into a force for clean energy and economic growth while advancing the effort to decarbonize the electric grid. The State Energy Program (SEP) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is providing funding to support the Commonwealth’s Energy and Environment Cabinet (EEC). 

The program is focused on tapping into mine-scarred, abandoned lands to be used for renewable energy sources. The online platform is designed to help investors and stakeholders identify issues with relevant policies, processes, and infrastructure to advance the development of renewable energy sources. 

The project is being spearheaded by the Kentucky EEC Office of Energy Policy and Office of Administrative Services, Division of Technology. The group is focused on site suitability analysis, using these factors: 

  • land use and topography 

  • proximity to electricity infrastructure 

  • state and federally protected lands and endangered species 

  • mine permit information 

The online platform features an interactive geographic information system (GIS) map tool that allows for the viewing of mine sites and for downloading available data for a deeper review of potential green tech energy development. 

How an Attorney Can Help

If you’re looking to develop alternative energy source sites, there are many steps involved, including permits, licensing, and land acquisition costs, to say nothing of creating public awareness and buy-in. For these and other concerns, you will need the help of an attorney, such as a wind power consultant, who is conversant with local, state, and federal laws. 

Green Technology Consulting Attorney in Louisville, Kentucky

If you or the group you’re associated with are seeking to enter into, or promote, green technology projects in Kentucky, contact me at Chris Sanders Law PLLC. I will help you meet all legal requirements and also build public awareness so that everything goes forward smoothly.